🌎 A Global Carbon Tax

Plus: inclusive fertility treatment, palm oil, and brain-cell transplants

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Welcome to the week!

And happy April! I’ll spare you the April Fools prank today (my feed was inundated with them this morning). Let’s get to the news!

This week:

  • 🔋Battery recycling challenges

  • 🦠Gut bacteria and autoimmune diseases

  • 🥕Medically tailored meals

  •  🤖Empathetic AI

  • And more

Have a great week,

— Willow

This is science for people who give a shit.

Every week, we help 28,000+ humans understand and unfuck the rapidly changing world around us. It feels great, and we’d love for you to join us.

New Shit Giver Troy wants to “clean up the world’s drinking water.“

This is at the top of our list! Check out this week’s Action Steps to get started.

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⚡️ Climate change:

🦠 Health & Bio:

💦 Food & Water:

👩‍💻 Beep Boop:

🌎️ = Global news

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Last week’s most popular Action Step was supporting diversity in AI by donating to Women in AI Ethics.

  • 🌍️ Donate to Charity Water to help bring clean and safe drinking water to the many millions of people living without it.

  • Volunteer with Food & Water Watch to fight for safe food, clean water, and a livable climate.

  • 🌎️ Get educated about the solutions and challenges to the water scarcity crisis by following the in depth reporting at Circle of Blue.

  • Be heard about clean drinking water and tell Congress to support the WATER Act.

  • 🌍️ Invest in companies developing solutions to water problems at scale through Burnt Island Ventures.

🌎️ = Global Action Step

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The best clothes dryer you can buy

Electricity is expensive af right now, so even if you already have an electric dryer instead of a gas one (which you probably do), switching to an efficient heat pump dryer can save you cash.

Get our recommendations below 👇️ 

Scientist examines the result of a plaque assay, which is a test that allows scientists to count how many flu virus particles (virions) are in a mixture. To perform the test, scientists must first grow host cells that attach to the bottom of the plate, and then add viruses to each well so that the attached cells may be infected. After staining the uninfected cells purple, the scientist can count the clear spots on the plate, each representing a single virus particle.

What is antimicrobial resistance (AMR)?

AMR (not ASMR, but you can pretend I’m whispering this if that soothes you while you read, because not going to lie, it’s alarming) could become the leading cause of death worldwide by 2050.

So yeah, it’s important that we understand it and how we can prevent it. Read our explainer to get a 101 👇️ 

Early results show a 90% reduction in seizure frequency post-treatment. Read the full story 👇️ 

🙋‍♀️ Vote!

In last week’s poll, 42% of you said buying organic food is “somewhat important” to you.

Should the Department of Education make national standards for indoor and outdoor air quality?

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