Important, Not Important
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What People Are Saying

“Interesting, meaningful, action-oriented, and most importantly, not a waste of anyone's time.”

Amanda LitmanCo-Founder and Executive Director, Run for Something

“A vital service in an era where important truths, outright fiction and mere trivia all compete for your attention.”

Craig MazinExecutive Producer, Chernobyl & The Last of Us

“Important, Not Important is a reminder that humor and camaraderie are causes for hope for humanity's future.”

Bina VentakaramanColumnist, The Washington Post. Author, The Optimist's Telescope

“In an overwhelming media landscape, INI shines like a beacon of hope for people looking to understand and impact our changing world without going into a depressive spiral. In short, Membership makes “giving a shit” fun. It’s somehow jam-packed with useful information that makes me feel smart, while also being concise, thought-provoking, and accessible. I always look forward to the emails in my inbox.”

Jessica HannCMO, Homebody

“A fantastic way to better understand the world around us and start conversations about what matters.”

Carissa VelizAssociate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy Institute for Ethics in AI, Tutorial Fellow at Hertford College, University of Oxford

“Important, Not Important is providing an enormously important service at a time when we need it more than ever.”

Rebecca HendersonJohn and Natty McArthur University Professor, Harvard Business School

“The format is very effective, and the depth of discussion that it affords is essential for these complex topics.”

KT RameshFounding director of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI)

“As a lifelong humanities guy trying to understand more about science, Important Not Important is my gateway into not only education, but also activism on behalf of our planet and its various (heretofore mismanaged) needs. The newsletters and interviews have introduced me to a wide variety of incredibly smart people endeavoring to change the world, and Quinn and his team do incredible work to make big and challenging concepts easily understandable to history majors like me.”

Geoff MooreWriter, director, and class factotum

“INI reminds us that we’re not alone, and that even in the face of uncertainty and stress, we’re stronger together.”

Ali PattilloHealth and Science Reporter. National Geographic, The Atlantic, Outside Magazine, CNN

“Deeply researched but irreverently funny.”

Anshuman BapnaFounder,

“Practical ideas for caring for one another, healing the climate, and making sure everyone has the food and land they deserve.”

Leah PennimanCo-founder, Soul Fire Farm. Author, Farming While Black.

“I like that there is a curious sentinel on the wall, learning and conveying things that will really matter to our kids, but are hard to keep up with.”

Shane Emmett

“On a pragmatic side, INI is probably the only newsletter I open every single time. (And I've been into newsletters before they were cool). There's something about the format, the mix of actions, resources, research and personality that always makes it a good read. On the more philosophical side, it's really important shit to talk about and I'm so glad we're having these conversations. And thanks to INI, I can have them more informed and empowered.”

Jonas M HaefeleSomatic Coach & AI Researcher

“My number 1 reason for being a paying member is not for any of the benefits but to help keep as much of INI free as possible so everyone can have access to the amazing work they do. I look forward to every notification in my inbox. Recently I’ve been overwhelmed by the political and activism emails that have filled up my mailbox twice this month. I’ve had to go through and unsubscribe from most of them. If I were to keep one newsletter/subscription it would be INI hands down.”

Theo DawsonHigh school student

“The rare ability to discuss some of the most serious topics in the world while not taking themselves too seriously.”

Catherine VaughanCo-Founder, Abundance New York