Billions For Green Banks

Plus: advanced recycling, earthquake preparedness, and dark energy

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Welcome to the week.

Anyone see/going to see the solar eclipse today? If you want more space stuff, check out Friday’s guest essay by space reporter Swapna Krishna!

And then let’s get to the news.

This week:

  • 🌴Slowing deforestation in the Amazon

  • 🩺Palliative care

  • 🌊Water levels in the Panama Canal

  • 🌐 Net neutrality

  • And more

Have a great week,

— Willow

This is science for people who give a shit.

Every week, we help 28,000+ humans understand and unfuck the rapidly changing world around us. It feels great, and we’d love for you to join us.

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In last week’s poll, 88% of you said yes, there should be national standards for indoor and outdoor air quality.

This week, we’re wondering:

What does your household do with food waste?

Food waste makes up half of the emissions from the global food system

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From My Notebook header

⚡️ Climate change:

🦠 Health & Bio:

💦 Food & Water:

👩‍💻 Beep Boop:

🌎️ = Global news

John Green is the Ultimate TB Fighter

New Shit Giver Alastair wants to help solve “the loneliness epidemic - both for adults and for the youth, while we can.“

Community is everything. Check out the resources below to take action on mental health. Let’s go

How To Give A Shit logo v3

Last week’s most popular Action Step was learning about the water scarcity crisis by following Circle of Blue.

  • Donate to the Steve Fund to support the mental health of young people of color.

  • Volunteer to support the development of medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from psychedelic treatment with MAPS.

  • 🌏️ Get educated about resources for dealing with eco-anxiety and turning it into action with Eco-Anxious Stories.

  • Be heard about mental health and urge your representative to take action against the mental health crisis.

  • Invest in companies that align with your values using fennel.

🌎️ = Global Action Step

What have we learned from millennia of water insecurity, of climate changes and disasters, of building along freshwater ways and the ocean, that we can apply today?

That's today's big question, and my guest is Dr. Amber Wutich.

Dr. Wutich is an ASU President's Professor, Director of the Center for Global Health, and 2023 MacArthur Fellow.

She's an expert on water insecurity and directs the Global Ethnohydrology Study, a cross-cultural study of water knowledge and management in over 20 countries.

Dr. Wutich’s two decades of community-based field work explore how people respond individually and collectively to extremely water-scarce conditions. She leads the NSF Action for Water Equity, a participatory convergence study that develops collaborative water solutions with water-insecure U.S. communities. Her teaching has been recognized with many awards, including the Carnegie Case Arizona Professor of the Year.

As maybe the most important thing that neither you nor I can live without, water is both becoming more scarce in Central America, Northern India, Syria, and other places, and more prevalent through sea level rise, flooding and storms where we're not ready for it.

📖 Prefer to read? Get the transcript here

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